Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Second Half of that Story


My last post was a little less then cheery, especially if you read the article. But the best part of this is that is not the end of that story. After Christ suffered unimaginable pain both before and after the cross, he was placed inside a tomb. And on the third day or today he rose from the dead and the stone was removed from the tomb. I can't remember who said it but one of the general authorities said that one of the greatest phrases in all the world is "He is risen!!!!"

Everbody that is the good news "He is risen!!!!" and a because He is risen, we will be too. Life will and does go on after death. I wish you guys could hear my voice inflections because I am so excited. I am totally not doing this justice, but I just want every know that I am grateful that Christ broke the bands of death. One of my favorite scriptures is in 1 Corinthians 15:55 it says "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" Paul is taunting death because of Christ, death is just step that must be taken to go home to our Father in Heaven. Happy Easter Everybody.

P.S. Elder Holland does a great job at describing what the last two posts have been about in the new video on the church website.

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